How do I choose between the regular program and the Young Artist program?
Regular Program
Books 6-8
- No audition required
- Daily masterclass institute-style with opportunity to play individually for instructor 20-30 minutes each day and observe other students
- Technique class
- Repertoire class, leading to a performance at the final concert (see rep list and please REVIEW all Suzuki pieces)
- Advanced Orchestra, leading to a performance on Friday
- Choice of enrichment classes (see
- Teen Social for students 12+
- Masterclasses with Amy Barston, Kayleigh Miller, or Elisa Barston
Young Artists
Viola/Cello Book 6+, Violin Book 9+
- Video audition required
- Daily masterclass university/conservatory-style with two 30-minute opportunities to play individually for Amy Barston (cello), Kayleigh Miller (viola), or Elisa Barston (violin), while observing other Young Artists on the days not playing
- Advanced technique class with Amy Barston or Akira Nakajima (cello), Kayleigh Miller (viola), or Dr. Kara Eubanks (violin)
- Advanced repertoire/performance class with Amy Barston, Kayleigh Miller, or Dr. Kara Eubanks, leading to a performance at the final concert (see YA rep list).
- Advanced Orchestra, leading to a performance on Friday
- Daily Chamber Music with coach
- Teen Social for students 12+
- Choice of enrichment classes
- Daily personal masterclass attention