Want to improve your skills and become an expert teacher? 
Energize your teaching in 2024 with new ideas and teaching techniques
from our master trainers!

Violin Unit 3

Tracy Helming Wiggin
July 30 – Aug 9, 2024
15 class hours; 8 observation hrs
HyFlex course

All class hours listed below are required.

In-person in Seattle or online
Tues, July 30 8 – 10:30 am PDT
Fri, Aug 2 8 -10:30 am PDT

In-person at JSSI or online
Mon, Aug 5 – Fri, Aug 9
3:30 – 5:30 pm PST


Participants must be SAA members and complete Every Child Can! or Filosofía and Units 1-2 before class begins.


Violin Unit 4

Daniel Gee Cordova
Aug 5-9, 2024
15 class hours; 8 observation hrs
HyFlex course

All class hours listed below are required.

In-person at JSSI or online
Mon, Aug 5 – Fri, Aug 9
2:30 – 5:30 pm PST

Participants must be SAA members and complete Every Child Can! or Filosofía and Units 1-3 before class begins.

Violin Practicum

Edmund Sprunger
Aug 4 – Oct 1, 2024
15 class hours, online
8 hours observations, online

All class hours listed below are required.

Online, Pacific time
Aug 4: 11 am – 2 pm
Aug 5-9: 3:30 – 5:30 pm
+ one additional class session of 2 hours, TBD

The last 2 hours of class will be scheduled together during class, to be finished no later than October 1. This allows participants to return to their teaching studios, apply what they learned, and meet again as a class. 

The Practicum focuses on honing the art of teaching, to enhance the level-by-level unit training. Practicum is recommended for all teachers and can be taken multiple times, any time after Unit 1. With a maximum class size of 5, the course allows for much individual attention. Participants will prepare two videos:

  • A complete 30-minute lesson
  • One 30-minute segment compiled of materials of their choice: consecutive lesson segments from the same student, a group lesson, a reading lesson, a challenging student, lesson segments at different book levels…

It is recommended that participants record many lessons over time and select from them the portions to include on the video brought to the Practicum.

 Participants must be SAA members, complete ECC / Filosofía, and Unit 1 in order to register this course with the SAA. 


Violin & Viola: Teaching Musicality through the Fundamentals of Technique

Allen Lieb
Aug 5-9, 2024
3:30 – 5:30 pm
10 class hours, online or in-person (HyFlex)

All class hours listed above are required.

This enrichment course will explore how we achieve musicality in our students, from the beginning of their studies to advanced level artistry, through the fundamentals of technique: establishing posture set-up and balance for the violin/viola and bow, left hand position, scale training, shifting, vibrato, an emphasis on the use of balance and weight to achieve natural tone, plus various bow strokes from basic through advanced. The course will also address differences in violin and viola technique. A complete syllabus including exercises and repertoire excerpts will be provided upon registration.

Participants must be SAA members, complete Every Child Can! or Filosofía, and Unit 1 in order to register this enrichment course with the SAA.  Auditing  is possible for those who have registered ECC / Filosofía and have an active SAA membership. 

Each of our trainers has decades of experience teaching artistry.

Many of them studied in Japan with Dr. Suzuki.

Join us this summer and.. 

• Hone your teaching skills

• Increase your visibility and standing in the Suzuki community

• Forge lasting relationships with colleagues and Suzuki mentors

• Experience the magic of Japan-Seattle Suzuki Institute

Japan-Seattle Suzuki Institute SAA Approved

This season’s institute will be in-person with online training options

…so enjoy the convience of online training hours AND the benefits of hands-on experience with these great mentors!

 Registration for in-person training includes:

• Class hours as scheduled

• Access to masterclasses, technique classes, and repertoire classes
to fulfill required observation hours, as well as pre-recorded lessons with the trainers who are offering an online option

• Attendance at our inspiring mid-day Honors Recitals

• Admission to our special performances featuring
Young Artist cello faculty, Amy Barston, and Young Artist violin faculty, Elisa Barston

• Participation in our Parent Talks 

• Invitation to our Sunday Social for Teacher Workshop Participants and Faculty

Gain confidence and credibility while your teaching skills flourish in our teacher workshops!