Every Child Can!
Instructor: Priscilla Jones
Date: Saturday, August 1, 2020
The class will meet from 10 am – 5 pm with a one hour break at noon. You must be present for all of class to receive credit with the SAA. Plan to bring a lunch or eat off campus at Subway or Byen bakery, approximately a 10-minute walk from the class location.
Every Child Can! is a one day introductory course on the Suzuki philosophy and its application to education. For parents, teachers, prospective teachers and others, this course provides an inspiring, in-depth look at the Suzuki approach to teaching and learning. For teachers, ECC serves as the first course in the Suzuki Association of the Americas Teacher Development Program.
Qualifications to Participate
High school graduation completed or within 6 months of graduation, plus age 17 or older. There are no instrument proficiency requirements, and no audition is required. There will be no auditor status for this course.